
39 responses to “Contact

  • Cristian

    Hejsan, jag har stött på en sådan “säljare” som du pratar om och undrar vad jag ska göra det verkar ju vara en bra grej att jobba med men jag är osäker på allt.

    • zinzinotruth

      Hej! Du skall ställa dig två frågor:
      1. Vill du tjäna pengar på att sälja maskiner för tredubbla priset? De kommer be dig att skriva upp en lista med folk du ska försöka sälja till eller ha som partners. Dina vänner blir antingen lurade eller tycker att du är en idiot.
      2.Tror du att företaget kommer finnas kvar i framtiden för att betala ut resudialinkomst i det fall du inte bryr dig ifall du inte bryr dig om dina vänner?

      Har du läst allt på bloggen? Vad tycker du om det som står?

  • Cristian

    Jag har läst det mesta men inte allt, ja det är klart man vill tjäna pengar men inte förlora sina vänner eller lura någon för det, jag skulle bara vilja veta vad du råder mig till att göra och varför?

    • zinzinotruth

      Du måste helt enkelt ta ett eget beslut. Du har info på denna blogg och utgå från de två frågor du fick.

      Men jag råder dig till att hålla dig borta, dels kommer det kollapsa och dels vill du inte lura dina vänner så att du göder grundarna bakom.

  • Magnus

    Hur kommer det sig att du ägnar en hel sida åt att snacka skit om ett upplägg som du uppenbarligen inte själv lyckas med?
    Bloggar du om att det är McDonalds fel att människor blir överviktiga också?
    Att folk inte lyckas inom det här yrket är väl inte konstigare än att alla som startar bolag i sverige inte heller lyckas?
    Eller är staten ett stort pyramidspel också? För alla som startar ett eget företag , där uppenbarligen den som är på toppen tjänar alla pengarna , måste ju dels betala pengar för detta men sedan finns ju inga som helst garantier ör att du skall klara det?

    Över 56000 företag startades 2012 – 90% av dessa kommer att gå i konkurs inom de kommande 5åren enl statistik. Pyramid?

    Tycker offer som du bör ägna energi till att jobba gratis för olika hjälporganisationer istället för att skapa gnällbloggar för misslyckade människor.

    • mlmnemesis

      “How is it that you devote a whole page to be talking shit about an arrangement that you obviously do not myself succeed?
      Blogs you that it’s McDonalds fault that people become overweight as well?”

      Intentions has no relevance to the correctness of this blog.

      “That people do not succeed in this profession is well no stranger than anyone who starts a company in Sweden does not succeed?
      Or is the state a huge Ponzi scheme as well? For anyone starting their own business, where apparently it’s on top earns all the money, have to partly pay money for this but then there course no guarantees ear that you should do it?”

      This company makes money from people not succeeding. The system is set up that way.
      No the top doesn’t make all the money. Companies pays labor. Zinzino extracts money from the bottom to the top. Other companies provides value and makes profit from doing that effectively.
      The pension system is a form of Ponzi scheme, yes but what has that to do with it?

      “Over 56,000 companies founded from 2012 to 90% of these will go bankrupt within the next 5 years according to statistics. Pyramid?”

      No, that is private investors loosing money, they do pay salaries to their workers while in business.

      “Losers like you should devote energy to work for free for various charities instead of creating whining blogs for unsuccessful people.”

      No I enjoy making pricks like you upset, much more entertaining. This scam interested me for a while, now I just let it be.

      • Magnus

        Ok, so if they pay salaries its alright for you then?
        last time I looked , the owner of the company could for ex take out the big check at the end of the year. And I still haven’t heard about the CEO or owner who gave away their bonuses. In my opinion , why should they? But you ate one of those who wants to be pampered and taken care of. I personally hate those who say that any MLM is a quick fix business. Its a business ,just like any other. But it takes hard work. Not the kind of hard work I think you are familiar to. But real hard work. Its based on getting costumers, not having 2000 partners. As you so ignorantly suggests in your blog full of facts.
        if anyone would succeed in ANY business you have to get costumers. So I understand that people look at MLM as scheme, but the same people would not last two minutes,with a private company,as well. You don’t believe me, check the facts. I recommend for people like,you to get at job at some warehouse and let them pay you for 8hours of work. I’m sure they are greatful. By,the way, I personally brings millions to my employer, but I don’t get them? Pyramid? Strange..

      • mlmnemesis

        No I don’t like to be taken care of. I like capitalism. I like companies that provides valuable services and goods. If they do that efficient, they can earn a lot of money too. No problems, the beauty is that BOTH the entrepreneur and the customers gets a good deal. Competition makes resources; land labor and capital to be combined in a efficient way. Or else the company goes bankrupt. Had we not have competition, we would use resources inefficient and there would be no profits and low salaries.

        But if you lure people to participate in an inefficient business model just to extract money from the sales force that is just fraud.

        Entrepreneur => higher risk, potential profits

        Employee => lower risk, often the salary is set before you start working, “guarantied” money, but not that much

        MLM => Very high risk (of wasting your time), small potential profits. You don’t own or control your team as you do if you own a company/brand

  • Magnus

    Intressant att du är så modig att lägga ut en anonym blogg, men raderar mothugg.
    Jag skulle gladeligen ta en diskussion ang MLM och seriösa nätverksbolag kontra pyramidspel. Samt om Zinzino och de möjligheter det finns för dem som är beredda att JOBBA istället för att bygga gnällbloggaar

    • mlmnemesis

      “Interesting that you are so brave to put out an anonymous blog, but deletes the opposition.
      I would be happy to have a discussion regarding MLM companies and reputable network versus pyramid scheme. And if Zinzino and the opportunities that exist for those who are willing to WORK instead of building whining blogs”

      I have to approve new commentators. I do have other things to do, funny isn’t it? Now you can post! Congratulations. I don’t remove whining Steinar Halvorsens comments, do I? Question is: why is he not allowing comments?

      • Magnus

        I think its,funny that you say that you have other things to do. It must mean that you are very skilled in computers and building blogs. 🙂
        Give up your real name and I will hire your services. My company needs someone who gladly works and won’t think of their situation as hopeless.
        as an entrepreneur, I must give you cred though for the creativity. Shame its for negative use instead of focusing on the big picture.

      • Magnus

        I agree, he should definitely allow comments. There is no way he could have a good conversation about the subjects.

      • mlmnemesis

        I am not skilled in anything, but I do know a little about many things. Yes I do consider creativity to be something I do have some.
        I do not wan’t to reveal my name, so I suspect it isn’t doable. There are many entrepreneurs that share my pessimism about MLM, I think more than those who support it.

        Sometimes you cannot focus on the big picture, focusing on one company is smarter in order to get attention and steer up things.

  • Magnus

    Tänker du posta mina inlägg eller duger det bara om de är kritiska , enl din faktafyllda blogg?

    • mlmnemesis

      See answer above.

      And write in English, or I WILL remove your comments.

      Google translate has been used.

      • Magnus

        Happy now?

      • Magnus

        By the way, I just reacted to this common stupidity of you people who must blame the world for your own inability to create your own reality. Workers who dint understand the world of business. And just because most MLM companys,don’t say anything doesn’t mean that all people are afraid to answer fiction with facts. You are one of those who was just as convinced that the earth was flat, 500years ago. Just like “everybody else” Now I have to go to work! Cheers

      • mlmnemesis

        No you do not understand. We don’t blame the world, we blame scammers who make use of people that don’t have the ability to make a good analysis and buys whatever is told them.

        No, I am the one telling people not to put their trust in God and the catholic church making people pay money for letters of indulgences.

  • Magnus

    Ok, so if I understand you correctly – its the company of Zinzino that you feel has scammed people?
    I am a costumer only, and my friend have not yet told me about any gun to his head when someone presented this business to him. So in my oppinion its people who are presented with the oppertunity who have no insight in them self. The same people who blame the world for the bad relationships they end up in, or that their job dont pay them enough for their services etc..

    No my friend, we can argue about this for a long time. But in the end I think you must see that its the people who walks around and say that MLM is a easy way of getting rich that are the biggest problem. Zinzino or not!
    I went to the bank last week. On the desk of my contactperson, there was a sign ” If you recrute a costumer you get a coffe pot”!?
    Is this MLM or a pyramidscheme aswell?
    Network marketing is NOT a quick fix to richnes. Nor is it a easy business to succeed in. But it is a real business. To claim otherwize would only be foolish. Im a fan of the industry since it gives the creative people a chance to build something big. And help a lot of people on the way. Because if the people in your organization dont make any money – you wont do it aswell.

    Or – you can focus directly on the costumers. And dont bild a network!

    But the way to do it is not by recruting 2000 partners, its to build a strong external costumerbased organization!
    Anyone who says otherwise , in my books , are defenatly in a scam. And schould be thrown in jail.
    My friend and I often discuss the values of business and , just as you said, its the costumer and the other values that are essential. In ANY business modell.

    So my advise to people who ask me about MLM, I always ask them back if they are ready to out and get “dirty”. Most people wants success but very few are willing to pay the price.

    This is common in any proffession. My friend, who are very successful in Martial arts, can see it to in sport!

    Why dont you help people to get a bigger understanding of the industry instead? The “truth” about Zinzino is that , just as in ANY business. You will have to work your butt of to make it. AND sorround your self with people with the same mindset. Dont go out and recruite any idiot you find, look for a great team of masterminds and then work your butts off.

    Ofcourse you can find products for a better price, I know that. I know I can find pods etc directly on the web. BUT, to have someone answering in the phone, in my own language , have my contactperson availible – thats wourth a extra penny!
    So whats the problem?

    • mlmnemesis

      Yes, the company Zinzino is a scam.

      Zinzino partners are really pushy and tries too fool people with zero business experience that easy money will be made, if they just buy the 1200 EUR start kit.

      No, if a bank for instance rewards you one time for every new customer it is not a pyramid scheme. But if they promise you a life time rebate it is. And to be able to promise that it would not be sufficient with 1 customer, rather several because you need a broad base that is gonna pay for it all.

      How often are there problems with machines you buy at Media Markt for example? Why do you need to talk to customer service in your own language?

      Btw, Zinzino has somehow being able to get the rights for Rombouts, that is why no one else can sell them and answer the phone in your own language.

      Most MLM are just frauds, and those who aren’t are just bad business. From what I have seen yet.

      Whatever you try to argue, Zinzino pushes people with no business experience to buy starter kits at extreme overprices. That is were the important profits are coming from, the important cash flow. They have a pretty high amount of real customers, but still ludicrously low and it is just to make the scheme look better. More money are made on partners.

  • Magnus

    By the way , a TEAM is not based on that someone has the ultimate control of them.
    But in traditional business it is crusial. If all my employes would do what they wanted, my business would be dead in a month 🙂

  • LearningToFly

    Hi, I Hve just been offered a partnership in Zinzino, and I see both pros and cons.
    Here is how I see it:
    – Not everyone can become a partner, because you need to get recommended, which is actually a compliment. And anyway an idiot would not succeed because he is responsible for his own success. That is straight Darwinism.
    – The prices at Zinzino are a bit high compared to the ones ‘mlmnemesis’ have found in Belgium and France. But apparently Zinzino have has the sales rights (franchise rights) in Scandinavia. That makes it their marked and others cannot sell to costumers there. This may change over time though according to some new EU-law coming soon.
    – The subscription is also annoyingly high considering the high price, but whatever you think of it, you are never forced to buy anything expensive.
    – Selling to your friends appears uncomfortable to most people. Personally I’d rather keep my friends out of it and, if need be, sell to others.
    – I have been told, that when you (as a partner) make a Zinzino appointment, you are recommended not to give the future client/partner too much information before the meeting. The theory is that it provides them with too many options such as deciding whether he/she wants to participate at a too early stage. They need to experience the product first. This is to me a bit in the gray zone, but I can live with that.
    – Zinzino’s prices are definitely not transparent. I cannot find them on their web-site, but my ‘sponsor’ has a price list.
    – My interpretation is that it is a fine business for those who like to be a salesman and consider the products so good that all their friends should have them too.
    Yes, I think the products are fine and that the service is good, but expensive. I am a Nespresso costumer, and that is just not a product I like due to the immense aluminium waste for each capsule.. but my wife wanted one for her maternal leave, and that is unnegotiable. So I’m glad that Melongo have paper pods in recycled plastic.
    I’ll try it for a while and maybe start buying from France when the new EU-law is reinforced.

    • mlmnemesis

      – I find it very unlikely that someone is refused partnership. They wouldn’t, they would welcome the opportunity to work their way through the new recruits social network. You see where I am getting?

      -Yep, they have a exclusivity agreement, but parallel imports are allowed, that is for example you going to France and buys a truck load and then consuming or selling to consumers. Also, EU does in fact require web shops not to refuse anyone due to nationality. Rombouts would have to not selling via web shops in theory.

      And by the way, you could choose another brand rather than buying Rombouts because they have chosen to work with a really expensive retailer.

      -Yes it is expensive and the biggest problem I have is that the Partners pay even more. Why? I think it is a hidden license fee, had they had a license fee they could get troubles with the law because incomes would be derived from more and more recruitment fees.

      -I am really curious where you would find customers? The only advantage you have over other Zinzino partners is your own contact network.

      -I could see the argument not to tell the prospect about what it is (so that they don’t find this page among others) and to let them try the products first. But I do think the primary reasons is that they wan’t to use deceptive persuasion and pushing for a decision at the spot rather than think it through.

      -Prices you can also find here

      -Problem is that the products can be found cheaper elsewhere, what if a customer wants to continue with the oil and go to a competitor instead, there will always be people who don’t get Zinzino4Free

      -You can buy Lavazza pods in ESE format for example

      -“I’ll try it for a while and maybe start buying from France when the new EU-law is reinforced.” Well I think that you are not alone and makes me wonder if it is a good idea to invest time an money trying to build your team then, I mean for other people not you

  • LearningToFly

    Hi again,
    Yes, you are right about the limitations of sale, when it is not via my own network of friends.
    Since my last comment in this blog, I have lost my motivation and belief in Zinzino products and methods. So perhaps I’ll buy a used machine and some pods from one of your links 🙂
    It is convenient with pods and I do not like Nespresso. So Malongo is a good alternative.
    I’ll cancel my freshly registered partnership and just leave it at that.
    Thanks for your opinion!

    • mlmnemesis

      haha, that was quick! I think your concern over your friends would have made it difficult anyway.

      Remember that the web shops do refuse delivering, many of them. So try parcel forwarding. Or maybe you have a friend in the UK for example?

      If web shops are refusing to deliver, you should complain here: (not sure if you live in Norway)

      Good luck!

  • LearningToFly

    Yeah, Well. You got the short version. I actually spoke to the support at Zinzino during lunch today,and they are very friendly. They understood and accepted my cancelation without comments. I have recieved all the neccesary papers and will return my unopened Zinzino start kit.
    But you helped me see that even though their products may be all right, their methods are a bit to pushy and their pricing a bit to high. And that is what I was about to offer my friends. Yes, they may also get it for free, but in the end, somebody is going to pay for the party. That is all the loosers, who cannot succeed in finding enough new partners. The get stück with a nifty bill. This simply left me with a stressfull feeling on my own behalf and future friends too.
    That is just not right for me. But those who chose it have all my blessings 🙂

    • mlmnemesis

      Yes they do try to enhance their reputation of course. They know that there is little to gain from making trouble with those who get second thoughts. The pushy things comes from the sales reps. The customer service will have nothing to do with it. It is clever, you can always blame sales reps that do not work i a proper way.
      And in the end, those who will pay for the party probably will change party and go to a competitor.
      They do not have my blessings but my compassion OR anger depending… 😉

      • Magnus

        Can’t believe what I read. “in the end someone,has to pay”.
        Ok all you tree huggers. While,you are watching tv and feeling sorry for yourself and create selfpitty blogs consider who played the biggest price for your own tv or computer. I’ve been in china and seen the factories. Ofcourse someone have to pay for a produkt. You must be really stupid if you think otherwise!??
        People like you would never succeed in any business. That’s painfully obvious

      • mlmnemesis

        Your misinterpretation was quite funny! You seem to believe that all critical voices are treehuggers or socialists…

        What factories in China has to do with it I do not know. What you should know is that China has a growing middle class and such factories with those conditions might be moved elsewhere or getting robotized in the future. And we in the north didn’t have that good working conditions historically.

        What LearningToFly meant was that in the end of the chain, a lot of people will be ripped of in order to pay royalties and free coffee for a bunch of people.

  • Jonas

    Ja det är nog troligt att ett av Europas ledande kaffebolag med 115 års erfarenhet och 2 miljarder i omsättning söker upp Zinzino för att tillsammans göra en scam eller? Sen fortsätter scamen med att den tar sig in på Svenska Börsen!!?? för att sen ytterligare säkra den så blir de medlemmar i varje land där organ för att säkerställa networkmarketing så som tex Direkthandelsföreningen. Sen så är det 90 miljoner människor runt om i världen som jobbar med professionen du kallar scam och den marknaden omsätter helt sjuka summor!! En av världens rikaste människor Warren Buffet har sen köpt in sig i några såna här scambolag…. Det är inte klokt, tur det finns människor som du som ägnar en hel sida åt att klanka på något. Har bara ett råd, skaffa ett liv!!

    Yes it is quite likely that one of the leading coffee company with 115 years of experience and 2 billion in sales looking up Zinzino together to make a scam or what? Then continue with the scam that it enters the Swedish Stock Exchange!? to then further secure it, they become members of any country where bodies to ensure network marketing so that eg Direct Selling Association. Then it’s 90 million people around the world who work with the profession you call scam and the market turns quite sick sums! One of the world’s richest people, Warren Buffet has since bought into some things like this scambolag …. It is not wise, lucky there are people like you who devotes an entire page devoted to carp at something. Have only one piece of advice, get a life!

    (Google translate //webmaster)

  • mlmnemesis

    Well… Turnover for global organized crime is $870 billion compared to network marketing (fraud?) turnover of $132 billion. So in line with your argument, organized crime must be a even better way of earning money?

    Direct selling association is nothing but a lobbyist organisation. Rombouts is a SMALL European coffee house.

    I guess you forgot hedge fund manager Bill Ackmans short selling on Herbalife. The others are just trying to bring about a short squeze against him.

    There is only one advice for you, get a real productive job or start a business.

    And even a child can make a page like this very easy, you think there is a lot of work?

  • Ed


    I wrote against you earlier when i was brainwashed by zinzino! Sorry for that!

    Keep up the good work! Maybe i can help you with more info ahead. And maybe you can help people from signing up with zinzino and getting screwed!

    I think youre doing the right thing cause it’s all built on to sign a lot of partners that pay like 10.000:- to 15.000:- sek and the fun part is that this is a big fraud but it’s not enough money worth going to the police/government/tabloids whatever so many people like myself just jump out with a loss of 10-20.000:- sek and a bad reputation among friends. Keep on going, it would be nice to see that aspberger boy örjan saehle go down!

    Keep on going / Ed

  • Lilian Sharon

    I like this blog, i would reccomend everyone that wants to be a promoter for zinzino to look at this site to get information about the ups and Downs in multi Level marketing! Personally i think all of the mlm Companies are schemes. But still, it is a Choice that a person for himself needs to take, if you dont make it, leave it, if you do make Money, well please continue. But the facts are here right infront of everyone. Do the Math yourself, you cant have 50 000 partners (this is a example) 500 000 costumers and still believe that everyone is gonna make Money (People will leave you behind), you have to constantly recruit someone, and the market will expire, thats not a question. AND you have to pay a amount of Money each month to stay an active partner, and that Money goes to the Company, not the partners (well ofcourse a amount to malongo and rombouts), so they are making Money of you anyway. And not only that, the Company will continue to grow so what im saying is that it will get New Products, in other Words, you need buy more and pay more. And the argument is ofcourse ”invest in your self” bullshit crap.

    So in the end ” It’s just buisness”. Don’t do it if you’re not willing to work hard. And i would reccomend to save up at ton of Money before you start!

  • Mr Balance Oil

    Finland’s Zinzino millionaires 2013
    (even cleaning women have better salary than Zinzino directors have).

    Zinzino Finland team leaders, the taxable income for the year 2013. Taxable income, capital income and taxes to pay

    Name, Zinzino rank, year of birth, place of residence, salary income €, capital income €, taxes €

    Margus Andimäe, royal crown, 1978, Vantaa, 8.079, 0, 367
    Henkka Helskyaho, director, 1982, Turku, 987, 0, 63
    Mikko Jarrah, black crown, ????, Vantaa, 70.197, 0, 17.267
    Heli Nyman, director, 1980, Tampere, 22.303, 1.050, 3.610
    Miikka Peuravirta, royal crown, 1980, HKI, 0,0,0
    Henri Rantanen, crown, 198?, HKI, 14.570, 0, 1.214
    Marko Rasinmäki, director, 1989, Tampere, 1.489, 0, 0
    Manu Rekola, black crown, 1978, Vantaa, 6.423, 0, 167
    Teemu Roine, director, 1989, Espoo, 4.449, 0, 133
    Toni Salmi, director, 1984, HKI, 0, 0, 104
    Olli Salminen, royal crown, 1980, HKI, 19.065, 0, 0
    Toni Tillonen, royal crown, 1977, Turku, 31.797, 0, 5383
    Sami Toivanen, director, 1975, Lahti, 7.217, 0, 111
    Saku Valtoaho, diamond, 1975, LPR, 13.995, 0, 1.970
    Kari Virtanen, crown, 1963, Tampere, 14.657, 80, 3.190
    Satu Vuorela, director, 1980, Lahti, 9.616, 0, 146

  • Nina

    MLM drabbar inte bara de som ‘förlorar’ på att vara med. Dvs 99%.
    Det drabbar oss omkring också. Som sambo, och mamma till barnen med en Zinzino partner, kan jag nämna en hel del nackdelar med denna ‘business’. Jag är numera fd sambo med en hjärntvättad fd.
    Kom inte och säg att detta är som vilket företag som helst.
    Kan personligen säga att hade min arbetsgivare bett mig läsa de böcker, gå på de föreläsningar mm som mitt ex läst och varit på, skulle min arbetsgivare bil anmäld både hit och dit.
    Så, nej, detta är inte som vilket företag som helst.
    Man kan också fråga sig varför man vill lagförbjuda MLM i USA? Inte vill de lagförbjuda andra företagsformer?

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